
Nearly 70% of the US workforce is disengaged at work, according to the Gallup organization. Through 25 years of on-the-ground experience, we’ve learned that the antidote to disengagement is ownership culture, where employees are united by a common sense of purpose, feel pride in their work and have the skills and ability to make a positive difference, in their own work and in your organization’s performance. Whether your bottom line is financial or mission, Praxis can help you create an environment in which employees think, act and feel like owners.

For a one-pager on our services for employee-owned companies, please click here.

Ownership Culture

We develop comprehensive, long-term strategies to help you optimize your performance by building an ownership culture within your organization.

We work with you to:

  • Assess your current organizational culture and opportunities for improvement
  • Develop a vision and specific objectives for an ownership culture that support your business plan
  • Design and implement a comprehensive plan for realizing these objectives
  • Clarifying the legal and fiduciary responsibilities of the board
  • Establish specific targets, measurement tools, and timelines against which to evaluate your progress in each area
  • As a result of this planning, we can also work with you to further develop your ESOP communications, and training, as well as provide ongoing consultation.

Continuous Improvement

Bringing people together to manage a process improvement initiative not only streamlines operations, it also improves company culture.

Enhance employee’s responsibility for the organization’s performance by directly engaging them in activities that make their organization lean, through involvement in improvement definition as well as implementation and impact measurement of those improvements.

By involving employees in process improvement, leaders demonstrate trust in employees’ knowledge and ability to diagnose, and understand problems in designing and implementing organizational performance solutions. It also strengthens individuals and the organization by developing employees’ ability to contribute in an additional way to their organization’s success.

We are trained in process improvement technologies which:

  • Obtain quick, measurable, and sustainable process improvement
  • Develop new levels of leadership and deepen the organization’s leadership capacity
  • Operationalize employee involvement and engagement
  • Reinforce teamwork and an open communication climate
  • Continue business education, strongly linking effort and results to business and financial performance
  • Link process improvement to social and compensation rewards and recognition

We offer a Rapid Business Assessment (RBA) process in which our consultants work with a diverse internal team to evaluate an organization’s strengths and areas that need improvement in a 2 and half day review process. During the course of the RBA, the internal team learns how to use the assessment tools and conduct assessments on an ongoing basis in order to move the organization toward continual improvement.

Organizational Design

An organization’s structure should be designed to support its strategy. We work with your organizational leaders to:

  • Assess the effectiveness of your organization’s current structure
  • Redesign your structure to better position you for future success
  • Develop clear definitions of roles and responsibilities, as well as decision-making authority
  • Collaboratively develop a process for engaging employees in the redesign process and communicating changes effectively

Organizational Assessment

An organizational assessment is an important step in any change strategy. It can target specific opportunities for improvement and provide a baseline against which progress can be measured. We employ a variety of methods to assess how well your organization’s culture is contributing to your specific goals, some of the tools our consultants use include:

  • Individual interviews
  • Focus groups
  • Workplace observation
  • Surveys (conventional or online)

Change Management

Our consultants help you understand what is required for effective, sustainable organizational change, including who to involve in planning change and how to involve them. We work closely with you from the design phase through implementation of change, offering useful tools for analysis and participation.

Conflict Management

We know that when leaders understand the constructive potential in conflict, they are better able to leverage the positive contributions that different perspectives can provide for organizational improvement.

Using an integrative approach, we combine education, coaching and reflective practice to work through the conflict management process. We create a safe space for discussion to occur so that organizations can move forward.

Team Building

We develop customized team building processes to enhance the dynamics and effectiveness of teams at any level of an organization.

For this process we: 

  • Assess the team’s current functioning, internal dynamics and performance
  • Design and implement a team building strategy to improve team dynamics, enhance individual skills, and clarify roles and responsibilities
  • Train teams in problem-solving, decision-making, and working effectively with diverse team members
  • Balance team and individual responsibilities

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging are essential to healthy organizations where people from all backgrounds can thrive and feel welcomed, valued, respected and heard. Our work helps you create shared understanding, foster commitment and develop a plan for advancing DEIB in your organization.

We can collaborate with you to:

  • Conduct an assessment to understand differential experiences and needs
  • Foster shared understanding and common language for DEIB through training
  • Integrate DEIB into a company's culture and leadership development programs
  • Launch or support a DEIB Committee
  • Develop a long-term vision and plan for advancing DEIB

Business Literacy

Many employee-owned companies want their employees to take responsibility for the success of the company,which requires building their business literacy. Our business literacy training empowers employee owners to understand the company's profit and loss statement (income statement) and the time it takes between when a sale is made and cash is generated (Cash Flow). Every employee owner who goes through this training understands how their actions impact company profitability.

We can collaborate with you to:

  • Determine what financial information to share and how
  • Develop and launch a business literacy training program
  • Integrate business literacy into your continuous improvement work

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