Strategic Planning for Growth

Since its founding in 1987, Need in Deed’s mission has been to use the classroom to prepare young people for civic responsibility and service to others, enabling them to become capable, contributing members of society. Working in public, charter, independent and faith-based schools, they train and support teachers as they adopt a teaching and learning strategy known as service-learning.

Number of Employees: 
Client Since: 
Services Delivered: 
  • Leadership Coaching
  • Strategic Planning
  • Team Building
  • Succession Planning

Goals of Engagement

  • Work with a strategic planning committee composed of board and staff to guide the process of scenario planning.
  • Consult with the staff leadership to frame and help analyze the environmental research (local and national trends, potential partnering opportunities, donor interests, etc.).
  • Design and facilitate two board and staff retreats to frame potential directions and to finalize the plan.
  • Develop criteria for decision-making re: goals and objectives with staff.
  • Support the board to develop their goals toward increasing organizational capacity.
  • Work with staff to develop a final strategic plan report.

The Result

  • Produced a 3-5 year strategic plan that would help direct both board and staff decision-making and provide a framework to pursue the following growth objectives.
  • 'Saturate' the local market by expanding the teacher network and developing relationships with charter and faith-based schools.
  • Provide professional development/technical assistance in other urban districts.
  • Continued diversification of the Board.
  • Increase and build corporate and individual sponsorships.

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